
Precision Agriculture Predictions
Empower farmers and agribusinesses with week-by-week precipitation forecasts, enabling them to proactively plan for variable weather conditions.
Weather Sensitive Sector Insights
In-depth analysis and tailored insights into how weather impacts various industry sectors, enabling informed decision-making, risk management, and strategy development.
Weather Enthusiast's Deep Dive
We provide an immersive experience for weather enthusiasts, offering access to detailed analyses, historical weather data, and engaging content derived from the Weather 20/20 Intelligence Report, allowing enthusiasts to explore and understand weather patterns at a deeper level.
Weather Data Solutions For Your Business
Weekly weather intelligence reports leveraging LRC methodology, delivering accurate weather predictions, up to a year in advance,to aid in planning and risk management in weather-dependent industries.
Make informed decisions in agricultural and other weather-dependent operations, potentially saving thousands through timely insights that allow for optimized planning and reduced wastage, all sourced from accurate weather predictions up to a year in advance grounded in over two decades of research.
Subscribe now for less than $1/day or $300/year to access these transformative insights.
Weather forecast models have been using the same atmospheric flow calculations since 1922. It’s a system rooted in plugging a set of initial conditions into physics formulas and then seeing where they may lead over time in forecast output.
Modern technology has allowed meteorologists to use better initial conditions, but there are still errors that compound over time. These errors are what limit these models from having any accuracy beyond 14 days.

Patterns to Predictions
Cycles allow us to predict the behavior of complex systems.
The physics models, used by pretty much everyone else in weather forecasting, are trying to simulate and predict the conditions of the entire atmosphere. But they can only approximate those conditions. The errors in their approximations compound over time, rendering their longer range forecasts useless. Weather 20/20’s proprietary method takes a different approach.

let’s get statistical
Where physics fail, statistics prevail.
The core tenet of the LRC (Lezak Recurring Cycle) is that a unique weather pattern establishes itself each year. The pattern is identified and then predictions of every day's weather around the world are produced.
The model calculates actionable data that is being used globally with profitable results through advanced warning.

The secret sauce
One of the only companies in the world that offers accurate long range weather data and analytics on a truly global scale.

Any Where. any when.
We are global

Proven Accuracy
At Weather 20/20, we’re proud to go beyond the limitations of traditional forecasts that have a limit of any accuracy up to 15 days out.
While, many rely on short-term predictions, our LRC (Lezak Recurring Cycle) model excels in delivering data that is not just accurate and effective, but also extends significantly further into the future up to almost a year out.
While, many rely on short-term predictions, our LRC (Lezak Recurring Cycle) model excels in delivering data that is not just accurate and effective, but also extends significantly further into the future up to almost a year out.